Author Archive: John

Author Archives for John


One of the most popular Swift ranges, the Burgundy offers incredibly good value for money and combines practicality with timeless style, making the range the ideal choice for modern family accommodation. Three of the models offer a 'quirky' twin bed layout which is a different take on a twin bedroom.


The well appointed and stylishly furnished Bordeaux range with comfortable freestanding sofas, dining table and chairs provides exceptional value for money. The ‘Brazil’ soft furnishing scheme with its citrus and warm grey theme give a sunny holiday feel.


The Swift Loire is the entry point to the Swift Holiday Homes range. It offers stunning value with looks to match and offers both 10ft and 12ft wide models. Modern spacious interiors feature a new 'Bahia' soft furnishings scheme and provide everything a family needs for a relaxing holiday.

WHY BUY YOUR NEW MOBILEHOME FROM US With over 50 years in the business through three generations our experience is second to none. We specialise in the Highest Quality Holiday Homes both new and used for sale off site and on display in Shanag [...]


Frequently Asked Questions
faq-img1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nibh libero, consequat sit amet nisl vitae, suscipit gravida mi. Nam auctor viverra sodales. Quisque posuere tincidunt convallis. Ut viverra neque non diam tempor, id tincidunt mauris cursus. Donec suscipit mattis viverra. Cras sit amet odio sit amet dui aliquam tempus a ultrices felis. Proin sed imperdiet ipsum, ultrices posuere leo. Duis facilisis dapibus enim, ac venenatis nibh mattis in. Cras eu condimentum lacus, ac ultricies leo. Nunc sodales ipsum a suscipit. Mauris tincidunt rutrum auctor. Vivamus a nunc ac augue scelerisque dapibus ut sed augue. Pellentesque fermentum orci in velit pharetra, non lobortis sapien suscipit. Aenean sem nulla, dignissim et bibendum et, consequat in nibh. Nam sollicitudin neque eu nibh pharetra mollis. Mauris in nisi elit. Maecenas at metus rhoncus, facilisis tellus at, pretium orci. Vivamus consectetur sem eget neque dignissim, sit amet sodales urna mattis. Vivamus ut semper dolor. Suspendisse tempus, dolor vel eleifend vestibulum, nulla ero [...]
With over 40 years in the business through three generations our experience is second to none. We specialise in the Highest Quality Holiday Homes both new and used for sale off site and on display in the Shanagarry Cork. We have one of the largest ranges of Pre owned mobilehomes for sale. 14355628_1012550848842838_8697354325429164556_n There are numerous reasons as to why you may consider buying a pre-owned holiday home, not only are they great for holiday accommodation but mobilehomes can provide excellent permanent, temporary and emergency accommodation. You might be taking on a self build or renovation project and need somewhere to base yourself whilst this is taking place, maybe you need extra accommodation for staff or storage or to use as an office, whatever the reason- we can help you find something that meets your requirements.

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That being said, we will give you an amazing deal for the trouble.
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